Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Endurance International Group Shell Game SWITCHAROO SCAM

Endurance International Group has the worst hosting reputation – second to none! 

They quickly gobble up other hosting companies to hide BEHIND the NEW hosting company's good reputation which will then completely MASK the real owners:  EIG 

EIG will eventually RUIN that hosting's once formerly GOOD NAME & REPUTATION too! 

As soon as #EIG buys up a hosting company, it immediately deteriorates due to #EIG converting the GOOD hosting company over to their ONE large, terrible mismanaged call center. 

Once EIG gobbles up a hosting company along with all of it's clientele, the clients begin to complain with total frustration and anger due to continuous long down times and lack of technical responses to critical issues because now major issues are no longer getting resolved like they use to under the original management (the client has NO idea that their former hosting company has been bought up by EIG)! 

EIG has REPLACED ALL THE QUALITY FORMER TECHS and now ALL calls - ticket issues are directly funneled into ONE central call center of totally INEXPERIENCED - LOW END know nothing/do nothing worthless techs! SEE LINK:

Once the client becomes determined to leave and go somewhere else, the unwitting client is intentionally manipulated, mislead and deliberately misdirected to another “front” hosting company which is still owned & managed by the SAME parent company Endurance International Group. 

EIG's frustrated client will simply be redirected to an elaborate, high-end FAKE COMPARISON CHART (that EIG controls, owns and manipulates) which will then switch the unwitting client to EIG's OTHER shell (hosting) name - but NOTHING HAS CHANGED except maybe the BILLING & BILLING NAME! 

It's a MASTERFUL ELABORATE shell game and a total switcharoo scam!

Many blogs are now writing about the #EIG con game trying to alert other uninformed clients to the Endurance International Group’s bait and switch web hosting scam.

EIG's SLICK con game that redirects their angry clients through a maze of their OWN "shell" companies will typically include their "WHITE LABELED" RESELLERS so that you NEVER really end up leaving them at all! In addition, EIG's White Labeled Resellers have been caught lying and claiming NO connection to EIG!


Here are some of the names that #EIG owns or hides behind:

#2slick #AccountSupport #Arvix #ASmallOrange #ApolloHosting  

#BerryInformationSystem #BigRock #BizLand #BlueDomino #Bluehost

#Directi #Dollar2Host #Domain .com #DomainCom #DomainHost #Dot5Hosting

#Dotster #easyCGI #eHost #EntryHost #EscalateInternet #FastDomain #FatCow  

#FreeYellow #Glob #Globat #Homestead #HostCentric #HostClear #HostGator  

#Hostnine #HostMonster #hostwithmenow #HostYourSite #HostYourSite #HyperMart  

#IMOutdoors #IntuitWebsites #iPage #IPOWER #iPowerWeb #JustHost #LogicBoxes  

#MojoMarketplace #MyDomain #MyResellerHome #NetFirms #NetworksWebHosting  

#Nexx #PowWeb #PureHost #ReadyHosting #ReadyHosting #ResellerClub #SabaPro  
#SabaProSEOHosting #SoutheastWeb #Spry #StartLogic #SuperGreen #SuperGreenHosting  

#Typepad #USANetHosting #VirtualAvenue #VPSLink #WebHost4Life #webhosting  

#webhostinginfo #WebstrikeSolutions #Xeran #YourWebHosting #ConstantContact #OnTapp #SiteLock #Nextiva #Impressly


See These Additional EIG Hosting from Hell Review Blogs Below: